Welcome to
My Website

Hi Welcome to My first website

In This website/profolio I'll show all My works and achievements and i hope you like what you see, pls share your feedback that will help me shine in this spider web.
Thank you


My Father Me 'Ahmed' Galaxy shoes black shoe Farmjo Siyd bare Iman afternoon purple Iman milk tea color Eid Atxa 'tea' Eid Atxa Eid headset On moon Pass high school My Face but purplt My Face logo Allah Akbar Ps5 controller Ps5 with blue wing Monkey smoking ? Thinking Gojo senpei Yuji Itadori


Still Working on it :p

About Me

Hey My name is Ahmed Fareh
Love tech and to learn new skills Everyday and work hard
and i do Graphic design for fun My main goal in life is to be a developer or a game developer
Please contact me and give me more feedback on or